

As soon as I built this case, the first thing I wanted to do was take this picture.

Little Keyboards Reviung41


I've wanted one of Little Keyboards' kits for ages, but they were always a bit spenny. This Reviung41 Comptroller case was actually pretty reasonable. Especially for the quality.



I've been going through a phase of writing a lot recently. Work's been pleasantly busy - lots of smaller, fun tasks to work on doing things I don't get to do a lot. We've got something big starting soon so it's always nice to get stuff done before I need to get my head down.

IMK Corne


I've been waiting to build a Corne ever since Perkins told me about how much he loves his. He got his free because he's a big deal, but I had to pay for mine because I am no deal at all.

PBT Notion


An in-stock keycap set? What is happening?!

Quefrency rev2 X SM Keyboards rebuild


I love the Quefrency layout, but I messed up using unlubed Zealios in my original build. It's a nice switch but it's so noisy.

splitkb Zima


I've wanted a macropad for ages, and the timing was right on this one so I've gone for it! Screen; check, rotary; check, stacked acrylic; check. It also has LEDs and a piezo buzzer! Looking forward to annoying the entire world with that one.

A very slow couple of weeks


This has been one of the slowest months of my life. The more I tried to get done, the more got piled on, the more frantic I got!



Lots of pictures of me on my phone the last couple of weeks. I think I might finally be going insane.

LEGO Technic Tenting


It's become something of an obsession: trying to make my desk cool. I grabbed my monitor and chair from the office about six months too late and now it's such a good space

A couple of weeks of food, bikes and keyboards


The last few weeks has not been the most fun. I can't find time to take pictures, so here's a montage.



We did some weekend things.



I thought this was going to take all day. Nowhere has switches in stock, and I have a board with really good switches that I'm not using



The easiest build I've done so far. Maybe because I had planned it. I knew what layout I was using. I'd counted my switches. All I needed to do was place them, solder them, sort my firmware. But this was a fun build, and I was rewarded for my planning

The Week Before My Birthday


The week that both went quickly and felt like it would never end.

How is it only Tuesday


I've been quite good with cycling in the morning the last two weeks. Been pushing myself pretty hard, and I go before breakfast so sometimes I push a bit too far and need to lie down for a minute

Fixing things you don't understand


I don't really get how any of this works. So far I've just been doing things and they've been working OK most of the time

GMK Dots


I've been waiting for this set for so long.

splitkb Kyria


I was too busy focussing on not messing up the build to take photos whilst I was working

Kyria Split Build pt 2


Easily the most boring part of mechanical keyboards is lubing switches. It is, unfortunately, not optional. There are no shortcuts.
