Kyria Split Build pt 2


20200221 141633 R0050060
20200221 150248 R0050061
20200221 150258 R0050063
20200221 150312 R0050064
20200221 161008 R0050065
20200221 163730 R0050070
20200221 163801 R0050071
20200221 163837 R0050074

Easily the most boring part of mechanical keyboards is lubing switches. It is, unfortunately, not optional. There are no shortcuts. Don't even talk to me about bag lubing. These Zealios v2 are the prettiest switches I own; I think probably because the purple/gold colourway reminds me of Cadbury's chocolate.

For procrastination/internet points purposes, I took a break to do some knolling and take some pictures of the process. You don't need this many pictures but I do like them.