I've been so busy with work since I got back from Nashville, and the weather sucked too much to go out taking pictures most days. Still I got a few snaps, even if they're pretty crummy, most of them.
Pigs in Blankets Pizza
Last year I said I wanted to try every vegetarian/vegan pigs-in-blankets. This year they're all out of stock. Coincidence?
Anniversary Burgers!
For our 14 year wedding anniversary (which is traditionally ivory and, therefore, extremely difficult to gift), Charlotte got me ArcTanGent tickets and made me heart-shaped burgers.
Nashville, November 2022
I've been in Nashville for 10 days launching a site. Launch has gone well but I'm going to need a longer belt for a while.
New camera photo dump
I heard that DSLRs are dead. Mine seemed fine but better safe than sorry. The Canon EOS R5 is an outrageous bit of kit though. I've been really enjoying it.
The Weekend
Went to Andy and Alanna's wedding. Ate lots of nice food. Dressed like a fancy boy. Went for a long walk. Ate more nice food.
I can't tell you how long I've wanted one of these. This is my BBQ. Someone else does all the preparation and Man Make Hot and take all the credit for some presumed magical mono-process that is impossible to mess up (it is not impossible).
I cheated. It's a photo dump post!
I haven't done one of these for ages because I like posts to be a bit more coherent, but I don't have the motivation (or sufficient content) for that so here's some snaps so that I don't have to do 3 Friday posts in a row. That'd be embarrassing.
We used to go to Fatto a Mano so often before covid. Their food is still so good; I'm glad we don't have a pizza oven so Charlotte can't make crusts like this.
This really helped me today
I've had one of those weeks where you feel like no matter what you do, how hard you work, it's not going to be enough. And one person fixed it all.
I've wanted to eat here for a long time. Since before we even got the project to do their website, really. I think they opened the Southampton one whilst we were still living there.
The ratio of prepare-time to eating-time makes cooking a totally unappealing task for me. But it does make me incredibly grateful that Charlotte enjoys it!
Afternoon Tea at The Grand
Charlotte won afternoon tea at The Grand on a school raffle. It was for two but we couldn't not bring Tabitha!
Never Not Walking
It's becoming something of a routine, this walk into the city on a Saturday, and I don't mind it. This was hard work though. We were all exhausted by the end.
As soon as I built this case, the first thing I wanted to do was take this picture.
The new iPhone is good
I got the iPhone 13 Pro. So far, most noticeable improvements are the screen and the camera. The animation is so smooth it's really starting to feel like the things on the screen are real physical things that you can touch. I don't have much to compare because I only use Apple stuff but I love their screens. Everything looks great on them. The stills from the camera are excellent as well. I feel like it's a noticeable improvement from the 12 Pro, which is the first time I've noticed that.