Tabitha is Eleven
Not sure how this has happened but yep. Eleven. She played a badminton match and chose what she ate all day (so junk pretty much!)
Bleachers at O2 Forum
We took Tabitha to see Bleachers as her first proper show. I think she enjoyed it but we would all like to go back to bed now please.
Some recent pictures
I have been on a bit of a kick with computers and coding recently, which has meant fewer pictures. Unless you count pictures of half-assembled computers. Which, this week, we do.
I've wanted to build a computer inside a Pelican case for a while now, and it's getting closer.
Tabitha played a badminton match in Winchester and we went for a little mooch beforehand.
That London
It's half term! I took the day off and we went to see the Fantasy exhibition at the British Library.
Golf, the car, is my favourite type of Golf. I tried golf, the sport, a while back and I fell in the mud and it was not fun.
Charlotte in her element
Charlotte eating food whilst looking at pictures of food. We were also talking about food. Not sure why but I find something about this photo very satisfying.
Like a Sunday Morning
I was up early so I decided to listen to a couple of the new records I got this week. True to form, as soon as I got started, Tabitha was up.
Pizza Masterclass at Fatto a Mano
Charlotte got me this little one-shot evening course as a gift and it was fun!
This horrible cat
Friday does not like to sit on, or even near, people. The best you can hope for is, when she wants you to go to bed, she'll try to get behind you on the sofa.
Day Off
I figured the move on Friday, and Tabitha's badminton match on Sunday would mean I didn't get much of a weekend, so I booked Monday off as well.
I helped a friend move house yesterday. It was a lot. Was looking forward to a relaxing day today, that didn't really end up being.
You're never done being a Sandwich Artist
We found these Juicy Marbles things in Waitrose a while back and they're our favourite meat alternative. Terrible name though.
Malvern Hills Walk
My mum's partner goes for a walk on the Malvern hills on his birthday. Rain and 60mph winds made this an interesting experience.
I recently got access to Photoshop and decided to remaster a photo I took earlier in the year.
Leipzig 2023
Spent a lovely long weekend in Germany visiting Sven, Nadine and their two boys. Very happy and surprised to have had snow; I love taking pictures in the snow.
Long time, no see
Between work, and the sun setting at 3pm, I haven't been super motivated to take a lot of pictures the last couple of weeks. And I certainly haven't been motivated to yell them into the void.