Long walks for snacks


If we're going to get some junk food, I like to exercise on the way there. I kinda feel like if I walk 10km to get some ice cream, that this is at least a token junk-food-offset.

Bromsgrove Summer 2021


Going away anywhere is strange and makes me feel nervous pretty much constantly, but we managed to have a really nice few days away visiting family and friends for the first time in absolutely ages.



I've been going through a phase of writing a lot recently. Work's been pleasantly busy - lots of smaller, fun tasks to work on doing things I don't get to do a lot. We've got something big starting soon so it's always nice to get stuff done before I need to get my head down.

Saturday Walk to Peacehaven


There's an episode of Mr Bean where he goes down a load of steps to a beach. That is quite near our house, and coincidentally a really nice walk.

A very slow couple of weeks


This has been one of the slowest months of my life. The more I tried to get done, the more got piled on, the more frantic I got!



Lots of pictures of me on my phone the last couple of weeks. I think I might finally be going insane.

Two Weeks


It's a phone dump! Been using the iPhone 12 Pro. Camera's very good actually. Been leaving my SLR at home.

Chilli Harvest


Charlotte's been growing chillis. The stupid scotches are taking ages to ripen. They tastes really good though. And made for a heck of a leftovers pizza.

A couple of weeks of food, bikes and keyboards


The last few weeks has not been the most fun. I can't find time to take pictures, so here's a montage.



We did some weekend things.



It has been a couple of weeks!

I quite like these photo dumps


I just don't have the time or motivation to try and make some sort of nice photo post with some structure or theme, but I do still take photos I'd like to share.

Lockdown cuisine


I've been enjoying taking photos of some of our more photogenic meals during lockdown. Or, at least, what passes for lockdown in this country.

Socialising in 2020


Dinner and pre-drinks, followed by a pub quiz.

A new backdrop


I always have a problem taking photos of food in our house. We don't have any clean backdrops. Or at least I thought we didn't, but I was wrong.

More scones!


Charlotte requested scones again, but cheese scones this time. I went off piste and used pizza seasoning with tomato puree on top and they were so good



I haven't done any baking in a shameful amount of time. I am dreadful at parallel tasks, and obviously baking is all parallel tasks.



We were going to go to Brighton Pavilion's annual open day but the queues were ridiculous and I didn't want to spend my entire Sunday hanging out with the pigeons

I always eat worse when I can't exercise


I am dreadful at taking a break from exercise, the older I get. If I even do it at all, I start to eat terribly.

Leipzig 2019


Huge photo post incoming. Not even sorry. Dumped from my phone.