Bromsgrove Summer 2021


I think I'd underestimated just how uncomfortable I'd feel in enclosed spaces with strangers. We went to a couple of restaurants, and stayed in a hotel, and although they weren't super busy, coming into contact with anyone had me convinced that I'd contracted COVID. Fear of the unknown is a weird thing and, being honest, I'm not a fan of it.

Still, it was nice to have a bit of a return to whatever constitutes normal in 2021. Even if that "normal" is punctuated with lateral flow tests and running back to the car to grab a disposable mask.

I've felt old this week. I twisted my back a couple of weeks ago and it is taking absolutely ages to get better. I've booked a physio appointment because it's started to wear on me now. Not being able to exercise full-tilt has got me feeling like (and probably resembling) a bowl of blancmange. In general, not in a great place physically or mentally. Time off is time off, though, and I've tried to make the most of it, hobbling about all over the place!

6 BD6283 D E8 CE 4057 9 C7 E 4408 C19 F1 C55
FF83 B923 FB76 4 FDF B2 D7 12 CBFC70 D31 D
0 D536 EDA D274 4578 9856 3 CE7 AF56885 B
94 F900 BB D44 A 462 D 8663 A9299 E5044 D3
6 F1 A6089 9243 4252 9232 5 C76267 A914 C
DFDEDA7 C EABF 4280 99 A8 B9 F4 B6121680
031 F9 F7 A C5 BC 4 B57 93 D5 C67487 F4 AD12
0 C834432 1 ADF 46 B6 9 C3 C A0 E8344117 D1
B3 CF30 A6 591 A 492 F A026 505 F067 EAAFE
4 E7091 AC DD77 4 EE8 A22 A E835 B47309 D9
B99 D5 CC5 4295 47 FE B731 B784 B66 A7 A3 A
75 D45 BD2 5 CB6 432 B B756 A28 C94458 E67
F275 F225 0 C3 D 4 C61 9362 1 E69 FBF2 A3 A8
C4126 E86 283 E 4 BBB AA69 DF02 B6150 B51
25 C6 D3 D6 019 E 41 D8 B006 DD701 B9 EFC3 C
87188 A40 4 F84 4338 9610 079 FCFFF5 E40
882 E19 C2 B27 F 45 A0 9 DC9 F7268355 F4 E6
E407 E4 F7 2 A82 4 B7 D B5 EA 725 C3 C65 BB24
307 AFFFB 8019 4 E0 E ACCB A388 EA573024
AACFD227 C8 AC 4125 833 D E67 A82 C7 A45 A
9 CA6 C841 F3 C1 4 D78 8838 07 D8 FB983 A0 F
09 B826 D2 E476 4 C8 E 8 C07 53293616 AB47
89 CFEC58 FA49 498 F 9949 41 BEED3823 A4
0 FB292 AC A394 4 A0 F A9 C8 7 F9 FCFFA1 F9 C
2 A8945 F5 64 FC 485 A 80 EE 5244 B42 B3087
10 FA29 D1 9941 4803 AE2 C 24 B5 F0 B363 F9
D5 F39295 35 D1 460 C 8 E63 FD41448 C7 C7 E
C3743 BE9 5535 4471 942 A 4 B128 BC6 F6 D9
E17 F1672 EE3 D 4 C77 84 ED 2527727 FE9 FD
80 D6 DC2 B 022 F 4 D0 F 8 ACE 59 B96744 A72 E
12677191 1 A9 B 4 B17 BD7 E 4 E1 C8 C588 A56
53 F35873 8618 4 EF5 95 CB 2 DDF82 FA737 F
26 C21 E21 8227 49 A7 8 D84 32935 B20526 A
F427674 C 4 F22 42 A8 A82 D 49 A353 D75 E93
E4751542 10 FD 43 A2 8 EB6 E91775 FDBE1 B
0 B965 C2 A 64 C5 482 E 80 E8 0 F13544 C55 F6
E4 CA763 A 7112 499 B 8 C25 922 B0 A4 BB58 E
2285 FD36 09 D1 4 C65 9160 94 C56 D464794
E51 BF845 C36 C 49 F3 BF91 C23 FB94 CB525
7 F48 B2 CB 1 BDC 4 C25 85 DD 188 F55 A35840
E9 CD8740 041 A 4 C7 F 877 F 17260 CAD2 F9 D
F47365 FA 9992 47 B9 A948 A71 D3 F8 C1 D91
D1 AA2 CC6 0 E06 45 C7 B466 58106 E6 EE11 F
120 EE56 D 46 FD 43 AD A90 A 6 BF647 C347 C4

And that's pretty much it. We decided to come home on Friday so we could have a full Saturday. Turned out to be a great call, because traffic was somehow almost completely clear the entire way back. On a journey that uses the M6, M1, M25, and M23, that's no joke.

10/10 week, not taking into account that I was in pain for almost all of it!