I'm not doing great


I haven't posted, or really taken any pictures since my last post, which was before my birthday, which was over a month ago. I'm just not into anything right now. I want to be but that's where my motivation ends.



I've been going through a phase of writing a lot recently. Work's been pleasantly busy - lots of smaller, fun tasks to work on doing things I don't get to do a lot. We've got something big starting soon so it's always nice to get stuff done before I need to get my head down.



It's getting light about 4am at the moment. That's too early. Went for a quick skate to the marina and the sea was lovely. I really need to go for a swim at some point. Keep saying I'm going to then not doing it.

IMK Corne


I've been waiting to build a Corne ever since Perkins told me about how much he loves his. He got his free because he's a big deal, but I had to pay for mine because I am no deal at all.

The last few weeks


I have taken a lot of photos over the last few weeks but I can't always be bothered to post them. They go on Instagram so I can get that sweet, sweet attention, but I get no attention here so it always gets neglected.



A sleepy dog, some old video games, and a walk around some new routes right next to some old routes.

Early morning skate


Got up early and went for a 20km skate along the seafront.



Against my better judgement (and Charlotte's protests), I bought a pair of rollerblades again.

Beside the seaside


I've been so bad at this recently. We walk the same laps around the village every day, and see the same things, take the same pictures, and I'm just bored. I'm bored of everything and I don't know how to fix it.

Night Walking and Apple ProRaw


Apple released ProRaw for iPhone and it's really good. Also really good: the view round here in the evenings. I am very much enjoying my after-work walk. It's a nice way to disconnect.

Night walk


It's so difficult to go outside and avoid people round here. It's annoying. But as long as you're prepared to go when it's cold and dark, there's options.

splitkb Zima


I've wanted a macropad for ages, and the timing was right on this one so I've gone for it! Screen; check, rotary; check, stacked acrylic; check. It also has LEDs and a piezo buzzer! Looking forward to annoying the entire world with that one.

A very slow couple of weeks


This has been one of the slowest months of my life. The more I tried to get done, the more got piled on, the more frantic I got!



Went for a nice walk today. It was pretty cold but it's nice for clearing your head. I miss taking pictures.



Lots of pictures of me on my phone the last couple of weeks. I think I might finally be going insane.

Biting off more than you can chew


We give Sudo toilet roll tubes to carry round. No idea why he likes them so much but he seems to! Someone gave him this today and I think he thought he'd died.

Can't beat the classics


Sea was wild today. And then it rained forever and we watched movies and ate curry and I had caffeine too late and now I'm wide awake at 1am.

Two Weeks


It's a phone dump! Been using the iPhone 12 Pro. Camera's very good actually. Been leaving my SLR at home.