

We went to Architects' album launch show. It was fun.

I've been a moderate fan of Death Cab for Cutie for a long time; have always said that I could make one great record of tracks I select from each of their albums. I prefer The Postal Service.

This week, I'm not really sure why I say that. I've been going back through their discography because Summer Skin got stuck in my head and these records (Plans, Transatlanticism, Narrow Stairs, so far) are all total gems. Why have I spent so many years thinking these records only have four tracks? I'm annoyed with myself but there must be a reason.

It's true that there's some incredible standout tracks; Transatlanticism, in particular, has "We Looked Like Giants" which has a vocal melody that makes me want to do a little cry. It also has what sounds like a super smart rhyme - "we looked like giants / in the back of my grey sub-compact / fumbling to make contact" that reminds me of "even the sturgeon and the ray / get the urge and start to play" (which, I think, is my favourite rhyme ever). These are all brilliant records, though, and I feel remiss for having sold them short for so long.

Still I have some nice stuff to listen to so weirdly feels like I'm being rewarded for being stupid.

Also I know I'm terrible at writing about music. Once upon a time I thought I could be a music reviewer; wrote one review and gave up. I am bad at that but I still love music and talking about it and I have nowhere else to do that!

It was my birthday again


Palm Reader kicked off their farewell mini-tour in Southampton on my birthday. Andy and I took a little trip down memory lane, and found it largely closed.

From Low Beams of Hope


I went to see Pijn last year and they played a lot off their new record; From Low Beams of Hope, and I specifically said at the time I couldn't begin to fathom how you'd compose songs like this.

Meth. at Hope & Ruin


Nearly didn't go to see Meth. on their Shame album tour because of the heat, and that would've been a mistake. This was top-5 material; super intense and vicious. The singer is actually pretty scary.

Bleachers at O2 Forum


We took Tabitha to see Bleachers as her first proper show. I think she enjoyed it but we would all like to go back to bed now please.

Like a Sunday Morning


I was up early so I decided to listen to a couple of the new records I got this week. True to form, as soon as I got started, Tabitha was up.

ArcTanGent 2023


It's another bullet point list. No point me typing this up again. I went in a camper this year, like a bougie jerk, and I am now spoiled. I will not camp as long as I have the choice - the whole weekend was so much better this year

clipping. at Chalk


I've wanted to see clipping. live for so long. I nearly got to, but then covid happened which I didn't love. This is also the first time I've been to The Haunt since they renamed it Chalk and they did a great job on the refurb.

Conjurer at Green Door Store


I haven't been bothered by taking pictures at shows much since ArcTanGent but this had quite a cool atmosphere and was sold out in a small venue so wanted to try and capture that.

ArcTanGent 2022


I soloed ArcTanGent this year. It was a very different experience to previous years but it's definitely something I'd do again.

Learning the fretboard


I made a thing. I have played guitar on-and-off for over 20 years and I still can't easily identify notes on the fretboard. I had just accepted that it was never going to happen. I've now changed my mind.

Slipknot at Arena Birmingham


Overall, I don't really like Slipknot

Jambinai at Green Door Store


When you describe a band as "post rock/metal played with South Korean

Badlaws, DJ Perro and Elephant Gym at Hope and Ruin


Nice lineup that Mario accurately described as an ArcTanGent hangover cure. Nice surprise in the for



Dan's been getting into making electronic music. The hardware really triggers my Gear Acquisitio

The Music of 2017


Once again resisting the temptation to conform to the masses and list a load of music that just came

Employed to Serve at Sticky Mike's Frog Bar


I enjoy taking photos at gigs but I like using the light that's there to take photos

The Music of 2016


Some more music that I'm still listening to