Oil palette


We went into an artist's gallery/shop because she was making a rug and it looked interesting. Then saw her palette/easel thing and immediately knew I'd found my new desktop background.

I'm going to start using Mastodon. You can follow me on @[email protected] if you want. I'm not planning to reduce the amount I post here (I'm not sure that's even possible anyway) but Mastodon is likely to be for less formal stuff anyway. If you want an account on there, let me know. I'll be moderating new accounts so don't sign up if I don't know you.

Day Off Ramble to Lewes


Jake's coming to visit this weekend so I took some time off. I took an extra day and decided to go for a walk to Lewes. It's not super far unless you take a really inefficient route. In the biz, we call that scenic, I'll have you know.

I made pizza


I am a horrible cook. Just awful. But we have been watching the Chef's Table Pizza show on Netflix and it made me want to try and make pizza. It appears more successful the further back you stand.

The lost art of the tactical, permissive skive


It's important, every now and again, to treat yourself to a bit of naughtiness. A cheeky little Friday PM skive when you've already finished your todo list and some of next week's, and you've let everyone know you're stepping out. Beautiful.

Taking the moral high ground and salting the low ground


I know you should try to be the bigger person when someone does something to annoy you, but it always ends up making me feel like a chump.

Any showrunners in the US wondering whether to put their show on ice because of the writers' strike; watch Heroes season one. Then watch Heroes season two.

Ardingly Reservoir to Ouse Viaduct


When we went to eat cheese last weekend, I saw a lovely little forested area that was filled with a carpet of bluebells. I checked the map and we were next to a viaduct I didn't know about. Jackpot.

I thought I had pretty good rhythm until I tried to put down two bars of a four-on-the-floor kickdrum and actually no I do not have good rhythm at all. Even with a metronome it's not even close.

I don't know why you'd expend any energy posting to Twitter at the moment. I don't read much news, but Boing Boing is constantly reporting on the ridiculously poor management and leadership at that company. It can't be long until it's all gone, or is El*n trying to prove that it's too big to fail?

Get all your stuff out of there and go somewhere else. Preferably somewhere you own.

Pick & Cheese


We saw about this place on Jolly, and I've wanted to take Charlotte there ever since.

Cult of the Lamb


I slept on this for so long. No real reason. Had it in my Steam library for a while but just didn't start it. Played a few minutes and nothing clicked.

InCarNation 2023


Lucked onto this car show for the second time. I need to follow them on social media or something. There was so many MX-5s this year. I love what people are doing with them now. So many old Fiestas as well. Would love to have one of those.

Top three places my watch's hourly Stand Goal has activated last minute:

  • Getting up to go and get a snack
  • Sitting down, stroking the cat
  • Leaning forward to scratch an itch on my butt



Carbs are my favourite; did you know? This isn't only going to be pictures of food, and it's over the course of a month so give me a break (it's still not good 🤫 I know).

What I'm saying is it's another photo dump post.

I want to love Elden Ring. Is there such a thing as an Elden Ring sherpa? I just need someone to hold my hand until I can walk on my own.

Hey Jasper, what keyboards are you using at the moment?


I'm so glad you asked, title! I wish the Le Chiffre (strange phrasing, that) had made it into rotation but it aggravates my RSI so I don't think it will.

Is there anything less funny than a local community Facebook group on April Fool's day?

If I were to give one piece of advice to someone, it would be to take photos of everything. The people you love, the things you love, the things you do. There will be times in your life when you want to surface forgotten memories on command, and photos and video are perfect for that.

I wish I could also recommend to categorise images as you take them but that is a waste of life. I spent hours looking over the last ten years of my life this week, and it's so strange to view that amount of time compressed like that. The points in your life that overlap chronologically but not in your head, are quite interesting.

Also, be careful with rsync --delete. I lost years of photos to reckless use of that command and it haunts me 13 years later.

P3D Le Chiffre Invisibolt


I've wanted one of these for ages but I thought it was a limited group buy. P3D has the goods, and they are worth it!
