Quefrency rev2 X SM Keyboards rebuild
I love the Quefrency layout, but I messed up using unlubed Zealios in my original build. It's a nice switch but it's so noisy.
We're rewatching The Mandalorian series 2. Me at the start of every episode: "oh this is a great episode!"
I have nearly modded and upgraded all the main Game Boys. I don't want to do a Micro, and I just have a DMG left to do.
Night Walking and Apple ProRaw
Apple released ProRaw for iPhone and it's really good. Also really good: the view round here in the evenings. I am very much enjoying my after-work walk. It's a nice way to disconnect.
Night walk
It's so difficult to go outside and avoid people round here. It's annoying. But as long as you're prepared to go when it's cold and dark, there's options.
Upstart Crow is Mrs Brown's Boys for people who think they're smarter than they are.
How was David Mitchell involved in Peep Show, Mitchell and Webb, and this trash.
A spin on it.
2020 has been less than ideal for everyone. We all know this. So I wanted to go through the photos I've taken this year to make something that paints this year differently. There are over 100 photos here. Don't open it unless you have unlimited data. And if you don't have unlimited data; get unlimited data.
I am so sick of this stupid pandemic, the stupid government's constant nonsensical reaction to it, and stupid people for going about their stupid lives as if everything is fine, and making the situation worse. I've really had enough today.
Does every single year-end list of whatever need to start with the phrase "2020 sucked, but here's a list of...". Can one person not come up with something more imaginative?
Got a squirrel feeder for the fence outside our living room window because the squirrels like the fence.
We watched Have I Got 30 Years For You on iPlayer tonight. Maybe it's the fact that there's really not much to be proud of these days, or maybe it's the fact that I've never been terribly proud of being British, but it made me feel quite proud to be British.
We're very fortunate to be able to have comedy like this. And even though, right now as everything's on fire, it feels a bit like being grateful for the warmth, it is what it is I suppose. Make hay while the sun shines, and toast marshmallows while the world burns.
Always look at everything
I can't tell you how many times I've looked at this view, and I still see something different.
splitkb Zima
I've wanted a macropad for ages, and the timing was right on this one so I've gone for it! Screen; check, rotary; check, stacked acrylic; check. It also has LEDs and a piezo buzzer! Looking forward to annoying the entire world with that one.
Me: ...
Anyone: [something to do with Arrested Development]
Me: Well I guess I need to rewatch all of Arrested Development
A very slow couple of weeks
This has been one of the slowest months of my life. The more I tried to get done, the more got piled on, the more frantic I got!
I'm really glad you can't smell over Zoom.
Went for a nice walk today. It was pretty cold but it's nice for clearing your head. I miss taking pictures.
I love writing, and I love pens. Any stationery really. But what I really love is a fancy fountain pen.
However, what I write best with is a £1 Bic biro. Absolutely typical.