A spin on it.


2020 has been less than ideal for everyone. We all know this. I mean obviously. You're literally still not supposed to go outside, and it's been this way for nine months now. We're all sick of it. But dwelling on the negative is unhealthy. Especially for someone like me, who constantly focusses on the negative. So I wanted to go through the photos I've taken this year to make something that paints this year differently.

As predicted, this has made me feel a lot better about 2020.

20200101 012411
20200103 113435
20200118 120817
20200118 122138
20200119 110222
20200119 123355
20200119 124354
20200120 130746
20200120 153626
20200120 205839
20200121 195924
20200124 212443
20200126 104014
20200207 090812
20200210 073401
20200216 160305
20200216 164024
20200216 170353
20200216 180757
20200217 093810
20200222 003637
20200319 182825
20201231 192926
20200323 202044
IMG 1879
20200401 162341
20200404 052341
20200404 114736
20200404 120119
20200404 131707
20200407 145923
20200410 164217
20200411 075923
20200412 055745
20200412 201702
20200413 153819
20200417 103334
20201231 210604
20200506 053555
20200507 171352
20200508 045734
20200510 153541
20201231 193348
20200515 152116
20200518 152744
20200520 171003
20200524 122750
20200526 183710
20200530 191230
20201231 210614
20200602 054149
20200606 092842
20200606 110227
20200614 094850
20200619 060854
20200619 165246
20200626 165403
IMG 2830
20201231 210621
20200706 092845
20200711 182402
20201231 210624
20200801 144017
20200803 145954
20200804 200634
20200815 090117
20200805 150838
20200809 132707
20200815 084216
20200815 161100
20200816 061445
20200816 090817
20200816 145148
20200824 174527
20200826 194713
20200904 103857
20200913 131442
20200921 185951
20200922 055201
20200924 111800
20201009 085951
20201015 183040
20201016 133215
20201017 062301
20201017 090227
20201018 095752
20201026 083340
20201027 124536
20201028 075412
20201031 221957
20201104 085721
20201114 105057
20201114 110313
20201115 113958
20201121 124120
20201122 120730
20201126 110241
20201127 181519
20201129 112953
20201129 160719
20201205 104230
20201205 110641
20201205 131819
20201206 092047
20201218 083639
20201219 085614
20201222 115553
20201222 151943
20201224 102835
20201225 152050
20201227 152217
20201229 201351
20201231 115950
20201231 120057