Leaf Peepin' at Sheffield Park


Like every other person in Sussex, we wanted to go and look at the leaves at Sheffield Park. I've never been to Sheffield Park but I am partial to the National Trust.

The last two weeks I guess


Lots of work, lots of badminton, not a lot of much else.

Squirrels in the garden


Found this lovely garden in Lewes whilst Tabitha was playing badminton. Lots of tame squirrels around, which this cat was also enjoying.

New camera photo dump


I heard that DSLRs are dead. Mine seemed fine but better safe than sorry. The Canon EOS R5 is an outrageous bit of kit though. I've been really enjoying it.



It's Friday. We watched a video on why some cats have favourites and now family life has become a very passive aggressive competition to win the cat's love. I'm going to win, because I'm going to cheat.



I said I wasn't going to post more Friday posts, then did two in a row. Self motivation is a strange thing.

The Weekend


Went to Andy and Alanna's wedding. Ate lots of nice food. Dressed like a fancy boy. Went for a long walk. Ate more nice food.



I brushed Friday this week and now she can stand to be in the same room as me. She actually follows me around and sits on the toilet whilst I brush my teeth.

Bluebell Railway


When I was a kid I loved steam trains. I think that's a fairly common thing. I've wanted to visit this railway for ages.

Walk to Peacehaven


Went for a long walk to Peacehaven and the "Mr Bean Stairs" as they're known in this house.

Friday Saturday


Didn't do a post last week as I was away and also didn't take any cat pictures. We now have a big cardboard castle in the kitchen for some reason.

ArcTanGent 2022


I soloed ArcTanGent this year. It was a very different experience to previous years but it's definitely something I'd do again.

More Pizza


Had another attempt with the Ooni. This went a lot better than the last time.



Friday is not enjoying the heat. Spends most of the day trying to find a cold surface to lie on; there isn't one, sorry.

Week off


Have run the emotional gauntlet this week. I would prefer better control of my emotions I think.

Friday Saturday


Still very naughty, still in love with the dog.



I can't tell you how long I've wanted one of these. This is my BBQ. Someone else does all the preparation and Man Make Hot and take all the credit for some presumed magical mono-process that is impossible to mess up (it is not impossible).



How are Dahlias like this? It doesn't seem like nature should be able to produce something this perfect.

Friday and Sudo; BFFs


Dog and cat have both been suffering in the heat. I don't envy the little ball of fluff having to wear a big jumper all the time in this! They've both spent a lot of time lying down near each other which seems silly to me, but what do I know.
