Photos of cats and food


Weirdly quiet few weeks for taking pictures. I just can't get my eye in for it at all. It's a bit disheartening looking at my camera roll and seeing the same thing repeatedly.

Bleachers at O2 Forum


We took Tabitha to see Bleachers as her first proper show. I think she enjoyed it but we would all like to go back to bed now please.

Some recent pictures


I have been on a bit of a kick with computers and coding recently, which has meant fewer pictures. Unless you count pictures of half-assembled computers. Which, this week, we do.



I've wanted to build a computer inside a Pelican case for a while now, and it's getting closer.

Charlotte in her element


Charlotte eating food whilst looking at pictures of food. We were also talking about food. Not sure why but I find something about this photo very satisfying.

Pizza Masterclass at Fatto a Mano


Charlotte got me this little one-shot evening course as a gift and it was fun!

Long time, no see


Between work, and the sun setting at 3pm, I haven't been super motivated to take a lot of pictures the last couple of weeks. And I certainly haven't been motivated to yell them into the void.
