Pizza in the Dark

The last couple of times I've made pizza, it's been quite cold and the dough hasn't proved very nicely. This time was no different but still managed to get some OK pizzas out of it.
We had visiting family this time so ended up making 8 pizzas and a weird crust-only thing, which took about 1.5 hours and the last few were done in the dark. Cooking pizzas in the dark is hard so now I'm shopping for a head-torch. They do a nice head-mount version of mine but it's a bit pricey for my usecase!
I have also, after a long time, started having toppings. I've been a bit of a margherita purist whilst getting started, but have been enjoying adding toppings recently. Beyond Meat burgers and the atrociously-named, and super expensive Juicy Marbles have been particularly strong. We've been making a pesto-ricotta mix to use instead of tomato on the base and that's very nice too.
Made myself hungry again.