I started going to a new badminton group occasionally and they're all so nice and friendly it's ridiculous. I was so worried about going, because apparently Adult Me worries about things like that, but they've been so welcoming, and complimentary about my game. Such a good way to end a long week.
Week off
Have run the emotional gauntlet this week. I would prefer better control of my emotions I think.
The cast is off!
Tabitha finally had her cast removed. The last 4 weeks have felt like such a long time, but have also gone very quickly. Probably not the case for Tabitha. Little video on here of the process of getting the cast cut off. Nothing terribly squeamish in there but if you have a mind that likes to wander about these things I would probably skip it! I like that they call them "wires" - they're more like tent pegs, but that would probably be a bit too scary.
I can't tell you how long I've wanted one of these. This is my BBQ. Someone else does all the preparation and Man Make Hot and take all the credit for some presumed magical mono-process that is impossible to mess up (it is not impossible).
Our local Tesco has new self-service checkouts, and they haven't taken the screen plastic off the card terminals. That's the best part of getting new things! I nearly did it for them but then figured someone who works there might want to. I'll give them a week.
How are Dahlias like this? It doesn't seem like nature should be able to produce something this perfect.
Friday and Sudo; BFFs
Dog and cat have both been suffering in the heat. I don't envy the little ball of fluff having to wear a big jumper all the time in this! They've both spent a lot of time lying down near each other which seems silly to me, but what do I know.
I cheated. It's a photo dump post!
I haven't done one of these for ages because I like posts to be a bit more coherent, but I don't have the motivation (or sufficient content) for that so here's some snaps so that I don't have to do 3 Friday posts in a row. That'd be embarrassing.
Two Fridays in a Row
Super busy but fun week. Not many photos again, but lots of music, programming, writing. I am tired.
Wander Around Newhaven
We've never really looked around the town before and were pleasantly surprised. There's not loads but there's not nothing.
Tabitha's broken her arm
Well, technically, fractured but it's functionally the same from our perspectives. This was one of the worst weeks of the last two years of my life.
I didn't want to do two Friday posts next to each other but it was inevitable. This week can go to absolute hell. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Yesterday I was like "wow this week is going so fast" but today I'm like "when will this week endddd??"
There's only one duckling left now.
I love to see the ducklings on the pond. Didn't see any last year, which I suppose means that the seagulls got to them very quickly. Horrible birds. Hope they make it this year, but it feels like they never do.
I think one of the things I like least about going to gigs is having phones in your peripheral, constantly filming the thing you're trying to watch. I have nothing against filming the show or taking pictures to have your own memories of it but it's so distracting.
It used to really irritate me when people did this, and I still don't see the point when people get their phones out and film a bit of every song, but it's fun to think about the artistic process and I think that's why it doesn't annoy me so much any more.
I like to imagine someone taking all those little video clips, editing them together, putting the song title into a subtitle, and then revisiting the memory in a few years.
I enjoy watching people battle with their phone's image sensor to get just the right level of zoom before the image quality starts to degrade too much, and what people's tolerances are. It's nice to think that people hitting the shortcomings of their phone's camera might make them look into buying something more capable, but really all that gets you is better quality memories, and a sweaty back from your big new rucksack I suppose.
That must be why I find this all so distracting; thinking about some stranger's new rucksack instead of watching Nine Inch Nails.