Wander Around Newhaven


36001 ABE 179 E 4346 8 D15 79 E77 A47 C17 B

I continue to be impressed with the lengths people will go to to fish

895 F2 F0 B 473 A 4 C81 9 A2 A A94 F6 CA7 FEC3

Loved this little guy

2 C72 C440 9303 4 F2 D 92 C1 FA2236270 AD5

Shopping trolley's seen better days

We've never really looked around the town before and were pleasantly surprised. There's not loads but there's not nothing.

We found a good, old-school bakery; I haven't seen one outside Evesham for years. Charlotte enjoyed the charity shop ratio. We went to a Sardinian deli but I always forget that Italians generally would rather pretend that vegetarians do not exist, so was underwhelmed in spite of the high rating.

I could probably walk around taking pictures all day.

It was my birthday Tabitha's broken her arm