Oh and it's Friday


7 C168 E3 F 28 CC 4261 809 B CF291 A78 B730

I went for a little lie down and the cat fell asleep on me almost immediately.

6 CD3041 F 966 A 4094 8809 E42 BAB5 CCC79

I love this picture of her sneak-attacking a toy the dog is playing with.

B8520 F53 B231 40 D9 A28 C 9621 B0 B7 EEE4

And here she is waiting for me to wake up.

I don't think this cat likes me. She doesn't want to sit with me unless it's inconvenient. She doesn't want to play with me unless I'm doing something else. I may just be describing a cat, rather than a kitten. You forget.

Haven't taken many pictures this week. Haven't really seen the cat unless she was jumping on me at 4am.

Two Fridays in a Row It was my birthday