Week One


I'm sick of being annoyed that I'm not taking pictures any more, so I'm doing this again.

The difficult sequel


It was always going to be challenging, following a week of relaxing and taking pictures with a week of work.

15. More badminton, and we're not even close to over


Day 2 (day 1 for me) of my BE level 2 course. Such a long day and I am terrible at group work like this. I was bad at it in school and I'm bad at it now

16. Sleepy house


Exhaustion finally caught up to me today. Crashed pretty hard in the afternoon. Felt horrible, unmotivated, moody. Ate my feelings. Hate that.

17. Homework


Back to Homestead for the evening because Tabitha's on half term. I miss going there every week - the standard is so high and I really struggle (and I am so achy!) but I can see myself improving and I love it.

18. Garage


My back hurts. Haven't played that intensely since the summer and my physical fitness is lacking. I barely have time to take one single photo outside my normal routine right now so not sure when exactly I'm supposed to hit the gym!

19. Outstanding in a field


Decided to take Thursday and Friday off because Tabitha's on half term. Feeling pretty guilty about it since I just had a week off but I'll make it up and no-one's waiting on me for anything.

20. Walk in the rain


Of course it rained today. Took the dog with us to the supermarket and I walked him around whilst Charlotte and Tabitha were shopping. The light was super nice and diffuse and the sea looked a weird green colour.

21. Flock off


The one time I don't bring a proper camera with me, the cormorants are doing a migrate and I can only capture it on my phone.

22. School


Penultimate day of my level 2 course, if you don't count the assessment. Which I don't. I probably should but that's a problem for Future Jasper.

23. Froth


Mock assessment day for level 2 went better than I was expecting. Not sure why I always expect disaster.

24. Things that spin


Aegir posted about his foreverspin and I basically stole the idea because I haven't stopped since 7am.

25. Clear skies


Another late one, but a beautiful starry sky this evening, and an accidental framing error.

26. A View


Sometimes it's nice having a dog. Go out for a little walk before work. Maybe get your daily photo before 9am.

27. Chirp


Do Starlings chirp? They make all sorts of noises but I don't even know if chirping is one of them.

28. Shadows


The sea looked like glass this morning so I brought the drone to take a picture and hated how it came out.

Light and reflection


Tabitha had an open day at school so Charlotte and I went to the city to grab some breakfast.



We went to Architects' album launch show. It was fun.



I spotted a nice picture but then ended up preferring the photo I took of where I was standing to take that picture!


last Tuesday at 20:16

On a black and white kick at the moment. I like the black and white images out of this camera.
