23. Froth

today at 19:11


Mock assessment day for level 2 went better than I was expecting. Not sure why I always expect disaster. I now have 9 weeks to do 4 group sessions and a one-to-one. Not nervous about that at all and anyone who says I am is a filthy liar.

Actually quite enjoyed running my little session today. I got one piece of feedback that is going to be extremely difficult to action. Apparently I am too quiet. Literally never heard that in my life; mostly told to shut up. I also don't have a sunny disposition, which I have no idea how I'm going to fix. Hopefully it's just a confidence thing and when I'm less terrified I'll be less stern.

Finished up earlier so took the dog for a walk when I got home to avoid yet another forced badminton photo. So it's a forced photo of the dog and the sea instead! This foam floating on the surface was moving in a very amorphous and satisfying way, nothing of which is communicated in a still photo. I was interested, so the dog was interested!

I forgot how angry it makes me, other people walking dogs off the lead when they can't control them. Had to stop myself yelling at someone whose dog was running riot as she chased after it, pathetically whimpering recall requests at it.

22. School