Bite the sea
Can we take a little moment to appreciate this light? Looks like I have a full studio setup on location.
23. Froth
Mock assessment day for level 2 went better than I was expecting. Not sure why I always expect disaster.
20. Walk in the rain
Of course it rained today. Took the dog with us to the supermarket and I walked him around whilst Charlotte and Tabitha were shopping. The light was super nice and diffuse and the sea looked a weird green colour.
16. Sleepy house
Exhaustion finally caught up to me today. Crashed pretty hard in the afternoon. Felt horrible, unmotivated, moody. Ate my feelings. Hate that.
More photos
Some more snaps to round out the longest month in the history of the planet, draw a line under it, and do something better from now on.
Clingy puppy is clingy
Not complaining, it's actually quite sweet, but sometimes it'd be nice to move from where I'm standing, and not nearly trip over a dog.
Dogs are annoying
Meet Forest. He is a 15 week old Labrador puppy who now lives in our house and chews our feet.