26. A View

Sometimes it's nice having a dog. Go out for a little walk before work. Maybe get your daily photo before 9am. Sometimes having a dog is a waking nightmare and they walk on the lead like an absolute psycho and it sets you in a bad mood for the rest of the day. That's not totally fair - my day was poor right from the off today and it has stayed in the toilet. The dog just didn't help.
But we saw this guy on our walk and I liked his aesthetic. If you stop taking strangers' photos, the confidence leaves you and you can't do it any more. I like the framing of this but I would've liked it better from the front I think, with the cliffs behind him. Maybe he'll be there tomorrow and I'll ask him. Probably won't.
Rode my bike for the first time in what seems like ages today. I enjoyed it but it was super sweaty. Finished Station Eleven, which I recommend. I love post-apocalyptic, and the last episode made me cry so much. I was already in a crying headspace, though.