This Friday


42 B6 D5 C5 4437 42 C7 8524 18991 A78 C72 A
FFEA7 C71 456 C 43 AC B591 83 AAF8 AC72 FE
5367 B1 B0 85 A3 4 DD3 83 A5 7 CBEFFCFC4 AA
22 C1 F2 C0 6 E0 A 4743 B1 F4 E3 A5 E5 F65857
4 B62 F614 4 FCC 46 A0 8774 E44 DF063 D575
FB763 DB9 8585 43 D8 9 BAE 17 CEE0107 E83
0 CBE55 FA 624 D 4474 9322 00 FCD0834 FA7
C643 DC5 A 7 F5 B 4020 8603 EA184 D6 B00 C5
6 A53871 B 8 A2 C 4 A1 C BB7 D BD844 E99039 C
675282 B8 AAD6 4 F82 B1 FC CF16 B15 B6816
914 F25 DA 34 C4 48 B2 9235 59310 C384 BCF
5 D2 B07 BA 85 E2 41 D4 8 A99 55 E2 F8342 D2 D

Continuing to settle in nicely. Totally OK with the dog now, so this week we'll be moving on to leaving her for short periods. She loves to be close to us, and whilst she's settling, one of us has always had to be at home otherwise she gets very unhappy. We started with 15 minutes this morning and she cried for about 5 minutes then chilled out so tomorrow we'll try 30 minutes and build from there. She's still very young and I know some kittens don't like to be left alone at all so it's understandable.

She's probably the most affectionate cat I've ever met. She's also incredibly chatty, which I really love. If she wakes up and you're not there she will walk around calling out, and if you call back she will come and look for you. I hope she keeps that into adulthood because it's super adorable.

Today I'm feeling sorry for myself. That means comfort food (Skittles, crisps, cheese, hot... Wireless crkbd with JLC Nylon plate and case