Dad-Daughter Date


Charlotte met up with a friend in London, so Tabitha and I had a very expensive day filled with inefficient travel! We had such a fun day, though, and both promised to do this more often.

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We had lunch at Detroit Pizza in Islington. This was actually a decent Detroit-style. Not like the "Chicago-style" we had at Japes, which was closer to a Yorkshire pudding than a real Chicago-style.

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Someone's cutting skills leave a little to be desired.

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Can't not. Won't not.

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We went on the London Eye. Wanted to do this for ages but Charlotte hates water and lifts so a lift over the Thames is not really on the cards.

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We had some of the best (and most expensive; Christ!) gelato I've ever had. Gelupo's Yuzu Sherbet and Pistachio. Was amazing and I'd have loved to have more but £16 for two ice-creams!

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We went to Young V&A to their Japan exhibition. I was really excited about this as I love manga, anime, Japanese video games, and I find Japanese woodblock prints etc so beautiful. The way their culture has been preserved as it's transformed over time is pretty crazy really, and nothing like anything we have here. The exhibition was a bit flat, though. The target age was a lot younger - like maybe 8? - and neither of us got much out of it. Shame because it, too, was pretty expensive.

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They did have some Monument Valley sketchbooks which we both enjoyed, though. We're both fans of the games so this was fun to see.

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Met up with Charlotte at Canary Wharf to come home. Apparently this place is very expensive. Looks cool, too, but I don't love the vibe at Canary Wharf.

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Love this shot. Super lucky timing.

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And we saw swans with their babies. Ages ago I posted a photo of a nesting swan and a lady who researches them emailed me. Every time I see a swan I think of her now.

One of two things has happened: either I've sampled so much fine ice cream that McFlurrys (don't... I'm on an organising kick right now. Today I organised our finances for the next few years...