I quite like these photo dumps


I just don't have the time or motivation to try and make some sort of nice photo post with some structure or theme, but I do still take photos I'd like to share.

Sometimes I wonder if people I work with realise how lucky they are to be still getting paid their full salary and actually have a job right now. People acting like they're waiting for money to run out so they can get furloughed and chill a bit whilst everyone else is desperate for that to not happen.

An unimaginative photo dump


Some photos from my phone. Been super busy at work so haven't had time in my day for taking proper pictures.

Tabitha: you're the funnest dad in the world!
Tabitha: 🤔
Tabitha: Is Joe Lycett a dad?
Me: 😢

How is it only Tuesday


I've been quite good with cycling in the morning the last two weeks. Been pushing myself pretty hard, and I go before breakfast so sometimes I push a bit too far and need to lie down for a minute

We went away in February


This feels like a lifetime ago. I found my little mini diary thing I was initially keeping to show Tabitha how to make notes, but I didn't do anything with it (and neither did she). I might start doing this with my whole life.



He's getting closer! He will be my friend

Intense Sunday


I like helping at the allotment. I'm much better in the morning when my energy levels are high

Sharing games with Tabitha


Was really nice to share this with Tabitha

I'm trying not to focus on the General State of Things too much. It's outside my control, and people are making stupid decisions that annoy me. One of us isn't thinking enough, and if it's me that doesn't make me less annoyed.

I'm burying myself in work a bit, but I am also really enjoying figuring out ways to spend time with people I care about but can't be near. I equate this to trying to figure out what to buy someone for their birthday: how can I let this person know that I value them and care about them?

One of the easiest people I've ever known in this regard is My Friend Hugo (sounds like a movie about an intervention). We have so much overlap in things we like that I frequently feel guilty for not making more effort with him. I feel like things that require less effort shouldn't receive less effort; it should be the opposite.

I digress.

Hugo and I played Streets of Rage 4 online together and it was great. They've done a brilliant job with that game. Like they've been watching people trash the Sonic formula and annoy people and gone "hey let's not do that; people don't like it". I've played a lot of Streets of Rage, and this is a great addition to the series. I'm very glad that SoR continues to be a series that you don't have to say "oh skip that one, it sucks".

Hope you're staying safe. If you want to do something together, hit me up.

Everyone's doing this music thing of 10 albums that shaped their taste. No-one on Facebook cares about my music taste. No-one cares here, but at least I know that!

The Offspring - Americana
Slipknot - Slipknot
Royksopp - Junior
Run the Jewels - Run The Jewels 2
Death Grips - The Money Store
yndi halda - Enjoy Eternal Bliss
La Dispute - Wildlife
Incubus - Make Yourself
Jose Gonzalez - Veneer
Carpenter Brut - EP I

Garden Squirrels


We've got squirrels in the garden at the moment. I'm not sure what's up with them but a couple of the younger ones have almost no fur on their tails.

Speedrunners is 50% off on Switch right now. We used to have a Mario Kart Lunch, which was me, Max, Hugo, Charlie, James, and it was so good. We got really good at it, and super competitive, which I'm not normally into, but I love playing Mario Kart as if it's important.

To take a break from Mario Kart, we occasionally played things like Gang Beasts and Speedrunners, and I loved playing them. Max is some sort of savant at Speedrunners. I've never known anyone with such incredible reflexes. I miss playing games with those guys.

The cows in the meadow


I deviated from my route slightly to incorporate a hill I've never done before

More ducks!


Returned with a proper camera after watering the allotment. I love ducks.

Windmills by the Ocean


Walked the dog again this morning, but brought my camera because last time there was tonnes of wildlife around

I crashed my drone in an exceptionally stupid way today. I don't want to give details, save for the fact that I had delusions of grandeur whilst trying to save a frisbee from our roof. To add insult to injury, said frisbee was later saved by some sticks gaffer taped together.

But! DJI has a new one coming out soon. It wasn't intentional, Charlotte, I promise.



The ducks have been busy making some food for the seagulls



Beto wanted some photos of a hand opening for use in a design. They're super simple but I really like how they look.

Early morning dog-walking


Took Sudo on our slightly-longer-but-still-short route this morning. Feel bad for him not getting the walks he normally does but he just sleeps most of the day so I don't think he's miserable.
