A new backdrop
I always have a problem taking photos of food in our house. We don't have any clean backdrops. Or at least I thought we didn't, but I was wrong.
I love GraphQL
I've been using GraphQL with Craft since I redeveloped this site, which is quite a while now. But running someone else's GraphQL API is like training wheels.
More scones!
Charlotte requested scones again, but cheese scones this time. I went off piste and used pizza seasoning with tomato puree on top and they were so good
I haven't done any baking in a shameful amount of time. I am dreadful at parallel tasks, and obviously baking is all parallel tasks.
The ferns at the office don't do well in this heat, so I combined my morning cycle with a plant-watering expedition
I hate going out
We got ants in the house and it was going to take a week for Amazon to deliver Nippon. Fortunately, our local hardware place stocks it.
I've been in a dreadful mood all day. Everything has irritated me in some way. I hate days like this.
Fixing things you don't understand
I don't really get how any of this works. So far I've just been doing things and they've been working OK most of the time
Today I feel for anyone who doesn't have a garden. I can't imagine self-isolating without any safe outside space.
Pencil case: complete!
With this order from The Journal Shop, I think I'm done acquiring stationery. These scissors are insane.
Home "schooling"
Charlotte's been doing a brilliant job of giving Tabitha educational stuff to do
Tabitha is (nearly) Seven
Tabitha has enjoyed Animal Crossing: New Leaf so much, and the New Horizons release coincided so well with her birthday, that this was a no-brainer
Real-life Animal Crossing
It's good having access to an allotment. Plenty of space, barely anyone around and when they are they're far away!
The understated dignity of the enamel pin backing card
I keep all the backing cards for my pins. I don't know why; it's not like I ever get them out and study them.
Early Walk
Got woken up by a full hard disk at 4am today so when that was sorted I went to take the dog for a walk.
We get seagulls in the garden a lot, stamping to drum up worms. Sneaky little devils, but you can't argue with its efficacy.
splitkb Kyria
I was too busy focussing on not messing up the build to take photos whilst I was working