It must be that time of year again


9 D9 CF5 B3 A08 C 4248 9 EF5 72904 EE54 A7 D
E42 AB24 D 46 C2 495 D B102 85 CD39 D65 D4 B
F9 CB6539 DE4 C 4218 9548 5 E7 E22 BE812 A
67 D95676 DE06 44 A8 BB04 F604894 C2 A34
83 D7 E739 62 CF 4401 8 F1 C CA0 E7 FE968 DB
4 FABFDBC 8645 4860 A32 B 156218 EBF2 A1
A5175 B62 09 B9 4 AAF BFF0 135 F5469 B578
CA48 E901 4400 44 B8 B251 18 EE9 B69 D39 E
66 CFB74 F 6365 4138 87 D3 B04 C8 FDFFA17
8 E6 BF0 CB D5 A2 4 D6 B 91 D8 D2496 C94916 E
805 FC889 65 B6 4566 B710 FCBBA5329 EA0
29081 CAD CB21 4 D48 ACEB B6 F21 A02474 D
22 E0264 A E97 A 4364 B6 DC 6 A981 F457 C65
72 DFFB78 F832 4 C08 BDFB F07 AC0 E06325
A4 DAB5 EF E6 A3 43 D5 900 B 84 F76 AEB5 A10
03 F69 DE0 DA8 C 46 A0 8 A9 D 961 C2 DBE5908
BA48 CDEF CD71 4784 961 E 85 B2 B15965 D7
416518 A7 A2 CA 465 D 992 B EADAA4 CDEB09
E456 E05 C 2813 4985 8 B55 11 F1516 F4 BCD
1 AAC3592 FB19 4208 B3 C6 3962299 CDE18
C0398 DDE 013 E 4902 B955 405349 AA138 F
B02 F481 F 5 CFE 4 B19 BC6 B 20 B3428 B28 A3
89 EAFF17 539 C 4974 BC2 C E38 BFF6873 B5
E0372047 123 C 4 F44 B67 D C11784 B81137

Time to go, I guess

As we know, I love big crashy waves. I somehow seem to accidentally suggest we go for a walk when they're particularly splashy quite frequently!

I was playing a very frustrating game today where the waves in front of me weren't very big so I'd move to somewhere they looked really cool and then they'd calm down there and get really big where I just left. It would've been funny if it wasn't so annoying.

Mandarin Duck on the Pond Stars and Christmas Lights