A very busy couple of weeks

Charlotte played with the squirrels in Southover Park

We saw this guy playing bagpipes on the beach. I bet his neighbours are grateful for this.

Charlotte is making a coat out of bears (think 101 Dalmatians, but with teddies). It's creepy but I can't wait for her to be done with it.

I made pizza again

There's no such thing as too many toppings if you don't mind a bit of charring on your crust.

We went to Plumpton College open day and Tabitha did this little excavator time trial thing. She was surprisingly good at it.

They also had "welly wanging" (don't tell me the British don't have any culture of their own)

And this beautiful, overgrown graveyard in their chapel

Tabitha did Zorbing and nearly broke her neck

They had blacksmithing, and I came very close to acquiring a new hobby.

I'm glad I'm not a horse

Charlotte and I had ice cream

We also "shared" our sofa with a dog for an evening. I miss having a dog.

Owing to a hole, I needed to get a new roof for the car.

I made more pizza

My mum visited and brought my favourite bread. I mad an omelette in a tamagoyaki pan

Strange rattling noise turned out to be a completely destroyed suspension spring. Buying used cars always comes with fun little surprises like this.

Car was temporarily fine to drive, so drive it I did.

Tabitha finally got a phone (last in her class!). She is very excited about it.

This lady told me off for taking this picture of her, even though she's not recognisable at all.

Tabitha and I had lunch at Caccia and Tails

Tabitha got her ears pierced and this was the best picture I got whilst taking a photo of her new piercing. They can't all be winners.
Had a really hectic couple of weeks trying to get a feature finished at work and it'd been pretty much occupying my mind all the time. I'm almost done with it now and apparently I still managed to take quite a few photos?
I've been building a checkout in Craft. I know there's Craft Commerce but our client has some actually bespoke requirements and I weighed up hacking Craft Commerce and just rolling a custom one and went with the latter. This is the first time I've done something custom enough in Craft to warrant unit testing, so that was interesting. It uses Codeception and the setup documentation pretty much doesn't work so there was a fair amount of messing around. Glad I persisted though - would always recommend having tests when making something in an ecosystem you're not that familiar with.
I made a lot of pizza. Sun's out. I had two really good ones in a row, then one where I overworked the dough and it was like eating rubber. No-one complained except me.
We had a couple of weekends of family. Brother-in-law visited for my mother-in-law's birthday. Always fun seeing my nieces. We went to Plumpton College open day which was pretty decent (though I do think there was more to do last year). Weather was amazing. I missed the stupid aurora borealis because I fell asleep, then tried to catch it the next evening and it never showed.
The car has been a real pain. Got a hole in the roof, then on the way to get a new roof it started to make a horrible scary knocking sound which Google suggested would be the suspension anti-sway bar. Garage disagreed with Google and found a busted spring. They also welded my exhaust heat shield. Then first time I took the roof down something came off so I'm now waiting to contact the roof place to get that put back. Cars.
I picked up this new Majora's Mask thing everyone's been going on about. I could never get into it before because I hate timers in games but I've persisted with it this weekend and I still don't think I like it. It runs like a dream on the Steam Deck and I can easily get 5 hours battery running it (so you can't say I didn't give it a fair shot) but it's just annoying. I've wasted so much time not really progressing at all and I just don't think I can be bothered to play a whole game like this. It's a cool idea but I have confirmed it's not for me. It's made me want to try Elden Ring again, but I know how that goes!
Knocked Loose - You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To