A Second Attempt at Geocaching


It is a wonderful day outside (which is why I'm inside), so we had a second go at geocaching in the lovely Netley today. Marked the occasion with Sudo's first splash in the sea (river?) and the first time he's been on a properly long walk where I didn't already know the area. He's really an amazing dog - so well-behaved. I'm not quite sure how we achieved it, but his temperament and the way he deals with new places makes me really proud.

He also appeared to think that the water was trying to get him.

The next two came out exactly how I wanted. When you actually find one of these bloody things, there's a real wonder about it. You're not sure what people will have left in the caches or anything. I'd personally like to stay and inspect the contents a little bit, make more of an occasion out of it, but we didn't. I've actually got an idea for something more accessible that piggybacks on Gowalla or 4sq. Maybe one day I'll do it!