Mario Kart Life Lessons
You cannot become adept at life. You learn to react to the challenges you face, but there are many t
Going to a gig tonight
Hey I'm going to a gig tonight it's going to be amazing I'm going to watch the whole thing throu
Minimalism and focus
Hash of semi-drunk, phone-typed thoughts alert. Move along; nothing to see here.
I've always been o
Managing multiple working copies with git
We have a CMS at Buffalo, which we have deployed to several servers for a few of our clients. Until
I both love and loathe that everything material that I cherish most can be packed into a bag and t
and I am reminded
Of why I married this woman. She's trying to teach the cat that Sookie and Bill love each other in T
new years' re-deflation.
Although this is a personal blog, I try to keep it as interesting as I possibly can, so that people
something of an existential crisis
I guess this is the updated version of personal enrichment brought about by lack of TV; my mind has
exit strategy
the only thing worth doing in life is making the hole that you'll leave as big as you can
Steps to having the best wife:
Me: Sorry I didn't help out with the housework this afternoon
Charlotte: That's OK; you had somethin
Every now and again, I get too comfortable with my life and start doing stupid stuff. I don't know w
338: new things
Just because the people who taught you lessons when you were younger couldn't stick to them and ar
183 301108 - First Married Breakfast
Turns out there is such a thing as too much scrambled egg. It amounts to a lot though!
About a million years passed
The prospect of not having a job is quite stressful. The whole leading-up-to-getting-married is gett