Three Men


We have these meetings at 3 men - a company we work really close with on some projects, and they're always awesome. Simon is a brilliant photographer with a shitload of experience, but the enthusiasm of someone who just got the job. I love talking to him (and anyone else who's got loads to teach me) about approach and all the abstract concepts that you can't really learn. If you get the chance and you're interested, seriously bend his ear about it - he's brilliant.

I feel like this kinda works and doesn't. The problem with photos online is they're super transient (according to my boyfriend, Simon) so the subtlety of this is likely to be missed. Still, I'd rather someone else missed the subtlety than I missed the opportunity.

The Canon. Hiding, as it fucking should be.

Screw you, world, and your Royal Wedding Phenomena

And now for something completely different. My super-creative wife made this. Either she's way too modest, or I'm way too proud. Nevertheless, look how talented the woman I married is!