Bank Holiday Walk


Maybe it's just the Brit in me but it always seems that the best weather falls around bank holidays and never over them. Not this weekend, though. It's been lovely weather all weekend so we went for a walk. Lots of animals out enjoying the sun, but I can't say I'm envious of sheep in this heat.

Most of these with the 1DX mk 2 with the 2x teleconverter and 70-200mm f2.8.

65 B46275 2 F57 40 D2 A823 CB7389 D22755
06765685 EB3 F 4 D84 BF9 B 14 E1 C89 D8588
D12007 BD 04 D8 41 BA 860 A 9 E4 AE4 C7 EEE9
BD0 F8 DC8 A97 E 433 E AD20 A9 BDDEE55 E09
D64228 F5 8 AF2 4398 ADEA 47354 C6 CF1 AC
2 A29 DD95 6 A82 487 D 9 C2 D 5631 EA4499 C5
715 B8 EF9 6697 4 F68 8 DA4 F7 C725319 FE4
2 F8 C1 B00 1 BAB 4 EFF 9 FBB 5 A64 EE239 E22
6 BB5 CEE6 82 F5 4 D65 BC09 867 FD174 FDD7
6 E3 FD03 B 1 A27 43 C3 9 B43 84 DC58 A2 B32 C
C3 FFD09 E A4 F9 4871 94 B3 3548 B9 FD4324
D70 D60 F0 9 DE4 49 B1 9 F77 0 BB195 D33917
8 B033567 131 E 4 A46 BE95 3 FA46918 A70 B