Apollo's Arrows' last show ever at Joiners


This post turns way bitchier than I intended it to. It was supposed to be about how great Apollo's Arrows were, so bear that in mind

Apollo's Arrows are stars. A shining little beacon of hope that all bands don't have to be carbon copies of each other to be appreciated. Sadly, their last show ever was an allegory for their career and guitar music in general. Ed Bidgood is a phenomenal guitarist, frontman, songwriter and bloke. Apollo's Arrows was a small source of fresh music in a sea of polished, whiney boys getting too successful for doing too little.

The first word I ever heard describe Burn the Fleet was "tight". That is not a good start. Yes, they play a tight set (hate that phrase) but they're a Thrice tribute band. They bring nothing new, and their pending success further serves to dilute an already weak scene.

Thrice have a song called Burn the Fleet.

I really hope that Ed keeps making music in whatever form, but I can totally understand being disheartened by how things have gone. Apollo's Arrows should be headlining sold-out shows, supported by Burn the Fleet as a local band that will never amount to much. But if the crazy proliferation of dubstep recently is any indicator; people don't want special, different acts. They want to literally listen to the same song on loop. The same fucking noise even.

Go and listen to Apollo's Arrows' EPs (Young, Romantic Mannequins is the place to start) and treat yourself to something different. Or, if you're a bit of an idiot, go listen to Burn the Fleet (you'll like it; it's the same as everything else in your iTunes library).