Tabitha's final day at primary school
There's nearly seven years between these pictures. So much has changed. Very happy to have such a great kid and I'm so excited for her to start secondary.
Walk to Peacehaven
Went for a long walk to Peacehaven and the "Mr Bean Stairs" as they're known in this house.
Friday Saturday
Didn't do a post last week as I was away and also didn't take any cat pictures. We now have a big cardboard castle in the kitchen for some reason.
ArcTanGent 2022
I soloed ArcTanGent this year. It was a very different experience to previous years but it's definitely something I'd do again.
We don't go through the marina that often but I do enjoy watching people working on or around boats. I would like a boat.
A little walk, and a couple of snaps
You're not always going to come back from a walk with an SD card full of winners, but sometimes you're just out for an hour and the light is golden, and you're looking at everything and framing it and everything looks beautiful and the photos you come home with don't really matter.
Bromsgrove Summer 2021
Going away anywhere is strange and makes me feel nervous pretty much constantly, but we managed to have a really nice few days away visiting family and friends for the first time in absolutely ages.
Bite the Wave
In a concerted effort to get out of my creative funk, I've done a few things. Firstly I've decided that everywhere I go, a camera goes too. And I will take pictures. Probably not good pictures, but when you fall out of a good habit, the first thing to do is get back in.
I'm not doing great
I haven't posted, or really taken any pictures since my last post, which was before my birthday, which was over a month ago. I'm just not into anything right now. I want to be but that's where my motivation ends.
The things I want to change
The things I want to change stay the same. The things I want to keep move further away.
Night Walking and Apple ProRaw
Apple released ProRaw for iPhone and it's really good. Also really good: the view round here in the evenings. I am very much enjoying my after-work walk. It's a nice way to disconnect.
This week felt like it lasted forever. Work has seemed never-ending, evenings have been hollow respite where I have no motivation to do anything
It's so hot in our bedroom at the moment; it's driving me crazy. I slept about an hour. I can't sleep when my pillow is hot; it stresses me out
Ugh. Today. This post contains heavy spoilers for the first The Last of Us game. I am the last person to finish this game, so I suspect that it doesn't matter. But still.