142 201008 - Running for dry, and not really caring


Lovely weather we're having. Going back to work sucks.

141 191008 - Animal wars


When they get going, they playfight like crazy. This was just after midnight whilst I was trying t

140 181008 - Layers


I wish my business cards had fun multi-coloured edges. Sadly, they don't.

139 171008 - Reese's Pieces


These are Reese's Pieces. Not very imaginative, but it's peanut butter and chocolate so it's autom

138 161008 - Cats who are slappers


Found a Facebook group called "Cats who are slappers" - Amelie is more of a high class hooker with

137 151008 - Kale


It's been one of those days - quite a lot to do, but it's so much easier to just fall asleep on th

136 141008 - Pomegranate


I love macros for isolating parts of things that you'd never normally see. I only say this because

135 131008 - Anyone guess...


why I'm getting a little chubby around the edges? Could it be all the delicious culinary treats th

134 121008 - How not to do your hair


I don't really talk about my family or anything. I don't see them a lot, but there's been some fam

133 111008 - Dermal punch


I finally bit the bullet. Hard. Lying down on the piercer's bench thing, I've never been so excite

132 101008 - Brighton Marina


The marina doesn't look anywhere near as good from inside as it does from outside. Seagulls and pi

131 091008 - A rare off-guard moment


I quite hate these guys. They're always quite lame, not really funny and just a bit rubbish at wha

130 081008 - Brighton Beach


It's been a bit of a hectic week. Couple of days in Brighton, couple of days back home, covered li

129 071008 - Leaving my girls


Amelie has settled in really well, and she's being so much better with Eva recently. I'm really no

128 061008 - In the street


Normally when you see road works, it's all boring pneumatic drills and tarmac laying. Not this bad

127 051008 - Hot, Dirty Russian


This weekend has been fuelled, almost entirely, by alcohol in many, many forms. I don't like going

126 041008 - A Holiday!!


This is what I get when I say "pull a straight face, it might work". I know they say "don't work w

125 031008 - "Super" Strongbow


The vigilant of you will spot that I didn't post a photo yesterday. I did, however, take one (but

124 021008 - Inside


Inside this building rocks. It's quite difficult to take photos during the day because so much lig

123 011008 - MOT Season


I have quite a well-balanced relationship with my car. It's quite twisted, and there's lots of adu