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Film 🤷 Megalopolis


🔗 imdb.com

It's a mess. I found it super entertaining, and wasn't bored at any moment, but it's just a mess. I genuinely don't know what it's even trying to be about. I think it somehow wants to be Shakespeare, and it's definitely opaque and confusing enough for that. If it felt like there was a thread to pull at to make sense of it all I might watch it again, but I don't think there is.

I'm glad it got made though. I saw this thing a while ago that said something like what better way to spend your money than hiring a bunch of people making the thing you always wanted to make?, and I am on board with that. I just don't understand what it's really be about. It's obviously not just about a guy building a city. Why can he stop time? Why all the Rome stuff? Why all the stuff about his wife dying? Why are his own personal relationships and sex life so central to everything? They can't all just be window-dressing.
