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Link ⭐️ How Inside Out changed therapy


🔗 kottke.org

Sharing the Kottke link because it's a gift link; click through for the article.

I've always thought Inside Out did a great job of characterising emotions in a way that makes sense to me all the way down. From memories, situational reaction, how emotions fight each other for control, how they're implemented in the actual story; it all just makes sense to me. Other people, too, apparently. It's cool to see it getting credit for how it personifies and can potentially help as an aid for navigating your feelings.

The second film builds on that significantly with anxiety, and the article makes an excellent point that these movies don't vilify any emotions; even "negative" ones. I think that's such a good observation and so important when processing and understanding our reactions to the world. Negative emotions are self preservation and, whilst it's important to be able to self regulate (positive emotions too!), it's also important to not block them out entirely.

Highly recommend these films; the first one made me ugly cry.
