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TV 🤷 Those About To Die


🔗 imdb.com

There's plenty to like about this, and I would say there's an almost equal amount to dislike.

I liked the silliness of it, the story was so shallow that all the twisting and turning (which would usually annoy me) kept me interested, some good performances made even better up against some hilariously terrible performances, and Jojo Macari acted his little heart out (which did look very funny in places, next to...well, lethargic performances).

I disliked the absolutely godawful CGI. Whoever was in charge of the animation should be shown some videos of humans doing things because I don't think they've ever seen that. Some of the dialogue is dreadful, and some of the background acting reminded me of that episode of Futurama where Zoidberg's uncle keeps screaming at people to emote. On more than one occasion, a guard walking in the background completely pulled my attention in a comical way.

The story reminded me of a 6-year-old telling you what they did at school, and they can't focus on the main thread of the story so they keep going off on tangents and forgetting where they were, and filling in things they can't quite remember with some clearly fabricated nonsense. It's mildly entertaining but by the end there's a mutual feeling of relief.
