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Link ⭐️ Workout.lol


🔗 workout.lol

I've been trying to incorporate more weights into my workouts as I'm pretty much exclusively a cardio guy and, as you get older, that is a recipe for being constantly injured. I don't know much about this sort of thing, and I don't have the budget for a personal trainer, so finding this has been great. List your equipment, tell it which muscle groups you want to hit, and it'll generate a ~30 minute workout for you.

The main criticism I have is that the videos for each exercise don't work, so I have to make my workout then look up any I'm not familiar with on YouTube so I can see how you do them. You also can't log the weight that you do your reps at which makes referring to them in future kinda annoying. But to just be able to knock out a 30 minute strength workout fits well with my schedule and means I can hopefully start building up a bit of muscle and not being injured all the time!
