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Game 🤩 Animal Well


🔗 store.steampowered.com

I wasn't going to get this. As I have mentioned, I've been pretty unmotivated by games lately, and it felt like throwing money away, which I don't like to do.

Charlotte and I watched a kind-of interview with Billy Basso and Dunkey where he talked about his development process, and that sold me on it.

It's such a cool little metroid/platformer with some elegant puzzling. I say "elegant" because most things I came up against, I felt like the game had already taught me how to do them. There's some stuff that is heavy on the platforming, and some that's heavy in the puzzling. It just works.

There's a couple of bits that annoyed me but nothing deal-breaking. I think I missed a visual cue quite early on that lead me down a path that was more advanced than I was equipped for, and a lot of the design language became quite opaque. Nothing that a bit of backtracking  couldn't solve, but then I had opened up a lot of the map without achieving anything. Upside was a lot of things falling into place quite quickly once I had everything I needed.

This game is pretty short - I saw the credits after about 5.5 hours. I have some stuff I'd quite like to go back and do, and it'd be nice to open up the whole map, but I feel like I got my money's worth.
