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Film ⭐️ Little Women


I absolutely loved this. I wasn't expecting to but I couldn't say why. I love these slices of real life that just tell a story, but this one is a goddamn all-you-can-eat buffet in terms of characters. Every character is so deep and, most importantly, so real. Performances are amazing all round. I don't think there's a single weak performance in the whole thing.

In the interest of not being obsequious, it annoys me how the timeline jumps around all over the place. I don't know if that's present in the source, but I found myself a few times watching a scene and then realising that we were in a different time than I thought. It was a bit irritating, but not so much that it'd put me off emphatically recommending this wonderful film.

I feel like such an idiot for not watching this sooner.
