😡 hated😒 disliked🤷‍♂️ indifferent⭐️ liked🤩 loved

Film ⭐️ Mortal Engines


It's a good thing this film laid out early on that it had no intention of making me think even for a second. Two very flat social commentary jokes saw to that, and I was free to switch my brain off and watch all the pretty explosions and plot points that come from nowhere and disappear just as quickly.

This is an action movie, sewn from leftover threads of movies that had much loftier goals, and it's just fine the way it is. I read a few reviews of this a while ago that seem to have been disappointed that it wasn't The Matrix or Inception or something, but you don't need very long with the film to know that it isn't trying to be that. It's big stupid fun and I enjoyed it as that.
