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Film ⭐️ Deadwood: The Movie


At the end of season three, I felt there was a need for this film. I wanted to see how everyone's story ended but we all know how it ends. It ties everything up nicely and neatly, and exactly how you'd expect from every character.

But I can't help but feel disappointed. It's hard to feel satisfied with a reminder of the futility of everything. We're all doomed to sacrifice so much in the name of progress whilst others profit. We're all doomed to lose things we love, unfairly and at random. And we're all doomed to die.

So I suppose the inevitability of each character's arc is as much a comment on life as it is lazy storytelling. We each make our beds, then spend our lives using the enormity of change as an excuse to stay there until it's too late. Each of our stories as on-rails as the trains that carried the progress Deadwood feared, but to which they ultimately acceded.
