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Film 🤷 Red Notice


It felt like this was about 4 hours long. It's an entertaining amalgamation of multiple films and it is pretty unashamed of it.

Honestly, Ed Sheeran's cameo is about the most funny thing in it. Look I get it - Dwayne Johnson looks like a meathead but he's smart and funny. Ryan Reynolds is handsome but he's smart and funny. Gal Gadot is beautiful but she's smart and can kick your ass.

Aren't you tired of this shit? Of being repeatedly sold the same fucking thing, and you watch it because it seems like something you'd like, and they take that view as affirmation and make it again and again and then you watch it again and again. Is this what movies are now? $200m cash grabs designed to waste my fucking Friday with a Venn Diagram of shit I've already seen? Sunrise, sunset. I'm over it.
