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Film ⭐️ Don't Look Up


As a shameless lefty it's fun to watch however many hours of gratuitous self-praise.

Imagine you're in a huge argument with your significant other, or some other pillar of your current lifestyle. You know you're right, and you have shitloads of evidence to back it up. Feels good.

But they're maybe not smart like you, or they're a little paranoid. And they're tired of your superiority complex. And they leave you.

And now you're alone and you have nothing except the fact that you were right. And I want to remind you that you would've been right regardless of who knew it.

I don't like it but truth or right or wrong doesn't matter right now, and all the sneering and eye rolling is just fuel for the fire. I know science is right, but the problem is that half of us have been convinced that science is wrong and they might even be more passionate about it than me. This sort of thing is a comfort when I feel like logic might be insane, but it's not helping.
