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Film ⭐️ Blindspotting


I love Daveed Diggs as a rapper. His enunciation, content, and rhythm are second-to-none.

I've been having a problem with him as an actor, though. His speaking voice is so clear that anything other than perfect diction feels forced and fake with him. Something about every line he delivers feels like he's about to dive into a Clipping verse, which actually happens a couple of times in this film. And once, in the climax of the film. I feel like it could've been delivered as a rant or a monologue or an argument, but everything Daveed Diggs says sounds like a verse to me. Which is great for a rapper, but pulls me out of the moment in a film.

Everything else about this film, though. It nails the mark scene after scene. It's 1.5 hours, so it can't afford to waste a moment and it doesn't. The pace is perfect; it pushes you then gives you time to breathe, the pushes you more and a little less time to breathe. Performances are incredible and to covers such a wide breadth of topics that it's almost impressive that they did all this in one hour thirty. We've got gun violence, police brutality, racial profiling, but we've also got the rarely-seen impact of a conviction on the people surrounding the convicted. We have the tension of living every moment like it might be your last free, or just last. It really is a brilliant piece of cinema from start to finish, and I can even forgive the self-indulgent lyrical interludes.

One thing media is not getting right for me at the moment, is the portrayal of the treatment of black people by the police and society. It's either corny and preachy when it doesn't need to be at all (this stuff is actually happening - that's the angle!), or it's contrived and it really doesn't need to be. Blindspotting does not suffer from any of these issues. Happily recommend it to anyone.
