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Film 🤷 Hereditary


Has some brilliant ideas but doesn't do anything with them. Has that classic immediate-acceleration-to-extreme-violence that got me even though I absolutely knew it was going to happen, but for me this misses all the marks that Midsommar hits.

This is a film about a dead cultist who uses her family to bring the spirit of one of the guardians of hell to earth, and yet there's almost nothing about the conspiracy, the cult, the spirituality, any of that. It's all just hinted-at then you get five minutes of detail at the end and it's over. There's an interesting story begging to break free here but it's never allowed out. I don't know a lot about films like this, though, so maybe some people like that sort of thing.

It has the hallmark exceptional photography and soundtrack, but I prefer Midsommar in every way. However, I do think if Hereditary was the story I wanted, I would prefer it.

It's definitely worth a watch, I just think there's better stuff out there.
