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Film ⭐️ Inherent Vice


The story is either all-over-the-place or multi-faceted. It feels like it swirls around trying to decide what it's going to be for a while, before eventually settling on something.

Without The Big Lebowski, this film would not exist. And it's not even a very satisfying crime reveal or anything. It's really just a bunch of things that happen to a guy who keeps showing up in the wrong place at the right time.

Look, it's Josh Brolin and Joaquin Phoenix and it's 2 hours 40, and there is always music playing, and Eric Roberts is there and so many names (Owen Wilson, Joanna Newsom, Maya Rudolph) and there's minidresses and Joaquin Phoenix looks just like Johnny Galecki and this review is not entirely unlike the film. You get the impression that the person telling you the story was pretty out of it when they experienced it (I was on my bike), and they're telling you things as they remember them. And, honestly, if you're going to give that person a grade, it's not going to be high (or even passing), but I bet you were into the story whilst they were telling it!

Oh and the ending makes no sense and Owen Wilson might as well not be in it, but I did enjoy all of it. Sometimes all you need is a bunch of things happening to some good characters and that's enough.

For real though I think the soundtrack runs constantly through this film. I don't think I've ever seen that before. I looked it up and it doesn't seem to be a thing, but there is no silence in this film. There's always some music playing.
