😡 hated😒 disliked🤷‍♂️ indifferent⭐️ liked🤩 loved

Film 🤷 The Many Saints of Newark


When I finished watching The Sopranos, my first thought (or any subsequent thoughts, for that matter) wasn't "I wonder what Dickie Moltisanti was like". I don't see the point in this, there isn't any self-contained story, it doesn't add anything to the Sopranos lore.

It feels a lot like "can we assemble a cast that can do loose impressions of The Sopranos characters, and embody some of the exposition that's alluded to in the TV series?". The re-creation of the characters feels cheesy and borderline caricature. Seeing Livia, Corrado, Silvio, and Pauly's mannerisms emulated feels more like parody than anything else.

If you're a fan of The Sopranos looking for some flesh on the history of these characters, you won't find it here. Maybe instead you can just think about and remember how excellent The Sopranos was. A far better use of your time.
