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Film ⭐️ Gattaca


You wanna know how I did it, Anton? I never saved anything for the swim back

This is one of those films that I've been meaning to watch for ages. Probably since I was 15-16 and we did a bit on DNA in biology and Mr Lungley mentioned Gattaca so I looked it up then never watched it.

One thing I love about this kind of sci-fi, is how clearly you can see why they predicted certain things the way they did. Teslas literally sound like the cars in Gattaca.

The art direction and cinematography remind me a lot of Equilibrium; so bold and self-assured that it almost feels more like a stylish documentary or propaganda piece than it does cinema. This is absolutely one of my favourite sorts of film - it's so lucid and coherent that I really don't see how you couldn't enjoy it.

In a way, I suppose it shares a lot of doomed-fate threads with Everything Everywhere All At Once, and has a similar message about life being what you make of it, and the hand you're dealt and birth only being part of your story. Would happily watch this again.
