😡 hated😒 disliked🤷‍♂️ indifferent⭐️ liked🤩 loved

Film 🤷 Licorice Pizza


It's just a teen movie with film grading and a nostalgic soundtrack. And not a very good one. Feels like it jumps around all over the place but actually these kids just have hectic lives. At one point, Alana says she's 28 and I thought "oh good some time passed!" and then she corrected herself to 25.

Pointless, inconsequential cameos do nothing to advance character development or the plot, but I guess they juice up the cast a bit. If you like Sean Penn or Bradley Cooper you are not going to get value for money here.

And I don't care how they try to justify it, the whole Japanese accent bit is completely unnecessary, cheap, and just feels at odds with the atmosphere of the rest of the film. It doesn't give colour to a relevant character or anything like that. It just felt like an excuse to be racist and it almost made me switch the film off.
